Monday, May 14, 2007

Myths about H1B workers...

There has been a lot of opposition from media lately for all the H1B workers in this country. A lot of what they are reporting is simply not true. All those who are reporting wrong info about H1B workers should get back to reporting the real problem - Illegal immigration. Legal immigration is not an issue for this country, it actually helps this country.

Legal immigration is an essential thing for US economy. It might look like citizens are losing jobs for these H1B workers but in reality it's far from truth.

Here is some of the myths about H1B workers.

1. H1B workers get paid less than citizens.
# Wrong. Before an employer can hire an H1B employee, that company have to get approval from labor department. If the wages are less than prevailing wages for the location of the employment, employer cannot hire the H1B.

2. It's cheap to hire an H1B worker.
# Wrong. It actually costs more to hire an H1B. There are other costs like immigration fee, lawyer fee for H1B application, so on. So it actually costs more to hire an H1B employee.

3. H1B worker pays less taxes.
# Wrong. H1B worker pays same taxes as a citizen employee. Also, H1B worker is not entitled for social security benefits but pays the social security tax.

4. Employers favors H1B workers.
# So untrue. They benefit less by favoring H1B employee if that person is not skilled or not better than citizen employee. So likely case would be that citizen employee is less skilled. Other possible reason is that citizen employees tend to change employment too often. If employer thinks that he cannot keep this employee then what's wrong about not favoring that employee?

H1B workers have a lot more hurdles than a citizen employees. They don't get any special treatment or extra favors.
It's in every employers best interest to hire a citizen employee because it is better that way and less work with them.
I have been in hi-tech industry for long enough to know and see this. There is always a shortage for qualified workers in hi-tech industry. Citizen hi-tech workers who are qualified and looking for work always have multiple offers in hand. But don't expect that you get the jobs just because you are citizen even though you don't have skill, experience or willingness to work.
The only people who are not getting jobs is those who don't have skills and greedy.

Btw, Hi-Tech workers are leaving US and taking the expertize with them.

If you think that all the citizens(even those unskilled) would get jobs easily if H1B workers leave. Think again, it gets worst. Reason - these workers are taking the expertize with them. When there is not enough skill here, then companies send their work to countries like India and China. Don't expect employers to hire you even though you don't have skill.

At present, Silicon Valley has severe shortage for hi-tech workers. Even with 60 thousand H1B workers allowed every year(only portion of those 60k make it into country) there is still a sever shortage. That's why 60 thousand quota was filled on day 1 this year!
On top of it, it is estimated that over 40 thousand hi-tech workers left the valley in last few year. You can find our more about it here...
San Jose Mercury news:

India Times:

VCs are following these workers to their own county...why? because these hi-tech workers are starting companies in india, otherwise they would started here in the silicon valley!
If you oppose the skilled workers then you are opposing the future of this country.

If you really want to stop them then create them here...get your education system fixed. Until then you have to welcome the hi-tech workers if you want your economy growing.

H1B workers are your friend, not enemies. Those illegal immigrants crossing the border illegally are your real enemies and your serious problem.



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